At Hammer Forte Consulting, we are energized to work with our clients in the areas of…
- Planned Giving, Donor-Mapping & Gift Optimization Strategies
- Business Transition Planning & Key-Person Retention Strategies
- Intellectual Property Financial & Estate Planning Strategies
- Conference Speaking on Leadership, Motivation, Overcoming Adversity
We approach each engagement as an opportunity to…
- Unleash tremendous good in the world with strategies that enable expanded gift impact
- Enable identification and resolution of complex business transition and key-person retention strategies
- Perpetuate multi-generational value from intellectual property while mitigating estate exposure
- Activate individuals, leaders, and organizations to the realization of their greater purpose and opportunities
Our objective is to ensure that you’re enthusiastic about the outcomes. After years of leading many large and small organizations around the country, we’ve observed that the best way to achieve success is through a collaborative consulting approach with your team. We work alongside you to identify your objectives, while clearly outlining what will be needed from both your team and ours to achieve maximized outcomes.
We’d be honored to be your consulting partner. Let’s accomplish some great things together.